These pictureshad helped me relate to my message that are technology is up gradeingand is takeing over our minds. We are exposed to a world of advanced technology. The simple drawing of a fat man addicted to the tv is a powerful massage to us. Some people actually dont use as much technology but a large variaty is. The reson why i choosed these photos was because they stood out by the fact that they were drawings and because they all give a good message that we are becomeing addicted to the technology. I understand and i have expearienced whats important to other peopleand what means the most well there values. And i have learned alot of text themes over my life time by studying and reading sometimes the most wierdest books it expands the human mind to read alot of books and that is why i do to learn alot of words. Another way that i have developed was listen to high educated people the more educated people that you are around the more that you will learn. The way that they influenced me was by helping me with my speech and showing me how to say the educated words that i wanted to hear. Most of the people that helped me was my family or close friends at school or home they helped me when i needed it and made me better.